About Me
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I am a 15 year old Sonic geek who is in the 9th grade. I love video games and own a Gamecube, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Dreamcast, Sega Genisis, and a nintendo 64. I like watching t.v. and I play the violin. And once more I am a christian.

The History or Story Behind My Site
After surfing the internet I have come to love it. I always wanted to make a webpage but never could get an idea for one. I have learned a little html and have made other webpages for other things. I finally got an idea after making my first 3 issues of Aol Guy. So here I am working on a site about me and my sprite comics!

Right now I am the only one on my site working on it.

Email Me!
Email me at the contacts page

Links to Other Sites
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